Monday, August 15, 2011



This paper deals with the combined technology of Client Server and the Voice Recognization Technology. If these both technology is being combined there would be a new trend of accessing the server by using the commands given by the humans.



The Client Server relationship is meant by sending request and responding that request. The Client machine sends the request to the server machine and the server machine accepts that request and respond it by giving the necessary information which has been requested by the client. In a network, the client/server model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiency across different locations. Computer transactions using the client server model are very common in recent trends.


 To check our bank account from our computer, a client program in your computer forwards our request to the server program of the server in the bank. The program may in turn forward our request to its own client program of the client that in turn sends the request to the database server at another bank. Computer to retrieve the account balance. The balance is returned back to the bank data client, which in turn serves it back to the client in our personal computer, which displays the needed information for us.


 Voice recognization is also known as automatic speech recognition or computer speech recognition which converts spoken words to the text. The term "Voice recognition" is the process of taking the spoken word as a input to the computer.


 In this technology in which the words or phrases spoken by the humans are converted into electrical signals and these signals are transformed into coding patterns. Then these coding patterns are being used to access the datas. Several steps should be carried out to perform this process. The first step is for the user to speak in the microphone. The electrical signal from the microphone is digitized by an "Analog-to-Digital" converter, and is stored in the memory. This technique is a close analogy to the traditional command inputs from the keyboard.


Since each person's voice is different, the program cannot possibly contain a template for each potential user, so the program must first trained with the new user's voice input before that user's voice can be recognized by the program. During the training session the program displays a printed word or phrase, and the user speaks that word or phrase several times into a microphone. The program computes a statistical average of the multiple sample as a template in a program data structure. 


If these two technologies are combined we can easily access the server without using the keyboard. for an example lets take the google, if we want to search some details about any particular topic there is no need to type the topics in the search bar we have to speak out the necessary topic on the microphone. So it will be taken as the request and it will be sent to the google server. The google server will access the necessary information that we asked in the google database and we will get the necessary information from it. The important advantage is that it will be less time consuming than typing.


Thus this technology will help us to save our precious time in this busy world. Though it is having some disadvantages it can be overcome by the use of some demultiplexer's by which all the signals which have got from the Analog-to-Digital converter can be changed into same wavelength and so the constant practice is not required as I meant in the disadvantages.




Thursday, April 14, 2011



This paper deals about the "VOTING WITHOUT FORGERY". The voting which is being conducted has many forgeries like voting for the person who has not even entered the polling booth, more than one vote for a same person etc. Even the Government has taken so many steps to eradicate these black votes all the steps leads to the failure. So I would like to implement a polling machine with the combined technology of  finger print identification.

If the finger print technology has been implemented with the normal polling machine I really hope that the Government of India can considerably eradicate these black votes in fore coming elections.


First we will have a brief discussion about the finger print technology and how it works??


Fingerprints are the tiny ridges, whorls and valley patterns which are being available on the finger. They are formed by the pressure on the developing baby's finger on the womb. No two people will have the same finger prints. Fingerprints are unique. There is a chance of one in 64 billion for the matching of the fingerprint. This is the most wonderful creation of the Lord that he has drawn different designs on the finger of each individual.

Fingerprints are even more unique than the DNA that is the genetic material of our cells. Although identical twins can share the same DNA or at least most of it but they never have the same fingerprints.


A minor scrape, scratch or even burn wont affect the structure of the ridges in the fingerprints. When the new skin reforms and grows over the wounded area the same original pattern will form on the finger. But  each ridges is connected to the inner skin by small projections called papillae. If these papillae get damaged the ridges are wiped out and the fingerprint will get destroyed.


To detect the pattern of the fingerprints a scanner is being used. So lets discuss about the scanner which has been used for the detection of the finger prints.

The heart of an optical scanner is a Charge Coupled Device(CCD). It is nothing but the light sensor system which has been used in digital cameras and cam recorders. A CCD is an array of light sensitive diodes called photosites. These photosites generate an electrical signal and it can records the pixels. So finally the whole scanned image is being formed by the collection of light and dark pixels. The analog-to-digital converter in the scanner system processes the analog electrical signal into the digital representation of the image.


The scanning process starts when we place our finger on the glass plate and the CCD camera takes a picture. The scanner has its own light source that is the array of light emitting diodes to illuminate the ridges of the finger. The CCD system actually generates the inverted image of the finger with darker areas representing more reflected light (the ridges of the finger) and lighter areas representing less reflected light (the valleys between the ridges). Before the comparing of the scanned image to the stored data, the scanner processor makes sure that CCD has captured a clear image or not. If the images are not clear then that image will be rejected and the scanner adjusts the exposure time to let in less or more light and then tries to scan again.


Ballot box is nothing but the box which is used for polling the vote. The ballot box will contain the name of the member of the political party with the symbol. People who are eligible for voting will be allowed to vote and they will vote for the individual whom they prefer. The people should poll the vote by pressing the appropriate buttons which has been provided of the corresponding political parties. The person who is voting should press the buttons until they get the beep sound which indicates that their vote has been polled successfully.

The polling box control will be controlled by the election officials. Soon after the polling for a person is done they will reset the polling box for the next individual. So that if the controller of the polling box is lenient there is a possibility of lot of black votes.


There is a possibility to conduct elections without any black votes if we combine the above two technologies.

The polling machine which is being used now is being handled by the human and it should be designed or remodeled in the way that computer should take full control so most of the problem will get reduced.

In the same way we should merge the technology of fingerprint scanning with the polling machine. If the finger print technology has been implemented to the polling machine surely about 99% of the black votes can be avoided for sure.


1.  Before the issuing the voter's identification people are asked to gather in person to take their photos and scan their finger for fingerprint identification along with their voter's identification.
2. The people who are eligible to vote should check their correct details in the database.
3. Separate database should be maintained for each district.

The Election committee should appoint a person who is trust worthy to take the in charge for entering the details in the database and not the local people who are in that particular locality to avoid the unwanted misbehavior which could be done in the databases.


The election committee should maintain a perfect database which contains all such details like name, voter's id number with fingerprint which has been scanned before.T


 If the technology of the fingerprint should be implemented in the polling machine and so the voter who votes will keep his finger in the scanner which is being attached to the polling machine to scan his finger. The present fingerprint image will be compared with the fingerprint image which has been stored in the database. If both the images get matches then only the person can poll his vote else the machine will not poll his vote and indicate the message as "Invalid Vote". The number of polled votes should be checked with the total number of valid votes which are stored in the database for the verification.


 Thus if the votes are polled in this way surely we can make our election without the black votes. Now a days, since the people became aware of the black votes and the ill legal activities which are being carried out by the political parties i really hope that people will cooperate with the preliminary steps like scanning their finger and getting their voter's identification in person. So surely this methodology will be successful if it is implemented practically.